- Emergenetics - https://zh-hans.emergenetics.com -

What You Can Start Doing Now

Congratulations on receiving your very own Emergenetics Profile, and taking the first step to understand yourself better. We hope you have learnt more about your preferences, and that of others from the workshop!

We know it might be a lot of information to process, so here is a quick recap of the Emergenetics Profile:

The Attributes

There are 4 Thinking Attributes (Analytical, Structural, Social, Conceptual) and 3 Behavioural Attributes (Expressiveness, Assertiveness, Flexibility). Everyone’s profile is different. And remember to not only look at the percentages, but also the percentiles (the long horizontal bars) of each attribute when engaging with others.


Your Emergenetics Profile reflects your preferences, not abilities. Everyone is capable of flexing their preferences. we encourage you to find your own strategy to flex!

No Good, No Bad

There is no good or bad profile. Everyone is unique with different thinking and behavioral preferences. Embrace your own profile as well as others!

No Stereotyping

Everyone is unique, regardless of their profiles, so avoid boxing yourself or others into stereotypes. Seek clarity as to how each prefers to be communicated to if you are unsure. Now that you understand your profile, the next step is to put it to good use, both in your personal and professional development.

In this article, we will elaborate on how you can apply what you have learnt about your profile and the Emergenetics approach at the workplace.


Emergenetics at the Workplace

Working with others can be challenging at times, especially when you and your colleagues have differing views and ways of working.

Yet, there are strategies to circumvent any possible misunderstanding amongst colleagues, helping to get the work done and done well. Here are some simple tips you can use straightaway.

Understand each other

Before commencing on a project, use the Emergenetics+ App to understand your team mates’ thinking and behaviourial preferences. With the app, you can see similarities between colleagues as well as tips on how to work better with them.

Play to Strengths

Allow your team members to showcase their strengths in their preferred methods. For instance, someone who is first-third expressive may not feel comfortable sharing his/her ideas or objections in a large group. Allow for situations where such team members are still able to express themselves one-to-one or in small groups.

Be aware of your own blind spots

Keep in mind that others may not think the same way as you do and might not understand your perspectives. Remember, it’s not personal. It’s just differing preferences.

Take the Whole Emergenetics Approach

We may not realise that sometimes we may miss out on key aspects due to our blind spots. Consider the Whole Emergenetics (WE) approach to help you consider all angles. For instance, establish the objective of a project (analytical), create a timeline (structural), understand who benefits from your proposal (social), and how it would affect the company largely (conceptual).

The Power of Communication

The fastest and most effective way to help your colleague understand your idea, is simply to communicate to the other how he or she wants to be communicated to. When you know your colleague prefers to know the big picture, visualise your idea to her in that manner. This helps you gain synergy and consensus amongst team mates.

Being aware of our own preferences and blind spots can help us to develop personal strategies to continually improve ourselves in our professional lives.

It is important that we recognise how easily we conform to our natural preferences. It is equally important to be conscious of our blind spots and know when we would need to flex our attributes to achieve our goals.

With conscious awareness and strategic efforts, you and your team can achieve greatness!